Neurofeedback Therapy
Neurofeedback addresses problems of brain dysregulation.
Above: Processing data from a neurofeedback machine.
These happen to be numerous and include the anxiety-depression spectrum, attention deficits, behavior disorders, various sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, PMS and emotional disturbances, as well as addiction, developmental trauma, and PTSD. It is also useful for providing support for organic brain conditions such as recovery from COVID-19 neurologic effects, seizures, the autism spectrum, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and concussion recovery.
Neurofeedback is biofeedback for the brain and therefore training in self-regulation, which is essential for good brain function. Due to the plasticity of the brain, we are able to directly train it to function more efficiently thereby opening the door for self-healing. Someone may be suffering from depressive or anxious symptoms regularly which reveal themselves in how a brain functions. When allowed to train their brain to change the frequencies in certain areas this same person can see relief of their symptoms with out having to spend months or years talking about them and reliving them or rather reinforcing them. This form of therapy can be truly transformative in a time we never thought was possible.
How Does it Work?
Electrodes are applied to the scalp to pick up the communication of brainwave activity that is already occurring at all times for each of us, even while we sleep. Similar to how our hearts are always producing electric signals and electrodes are used to obtain an EKG. In neurofeedback this is called an EEG or electroencephalogram. This signal is amplified and processed through a computer and information is extracted about brainwave frequencies. Some frequencies will be beneficial to promote. Others beneficial to diminish, depending on what information is revealed and what the client sees as symptoms to be prioritized to reduce. The training occurs when the information of what frequencies to reward and inhibit is presented to a client in the form of a movie, puzzle, video game or sound. The client is effectively playing the video game with his or her brain. Eventually the brainwave activity is "shaped" toward more desirable, more regulated performance, thus relieving previous symptoms. The frequencies targeted, and the specific locations on the scalp where electrodes are placed, are specific to the conditions that are being addressed, and specific to the individual.
Extended video on Neurofeedback, assessment, brain training, and session details: